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How To Get Health Insurance As A F1 Visa Student



Living in the US is expensive, especially for F1 visa students who commonly need scholarships or loans. In the costly US, even becoming sick can be unaffordable if not treated quickly.

Students cannot afford illness or accidents in the US. However, events occur. You suddenly find yourself sick or injured and far from home and family. The last thing you need is to worry about paying the high medical bill.

US international students may need health insurance to enroll in university but not for an F1 visa. Thus, the university, not US law, requires proper health insurance. Thus, you should inquire with your university if international students must have health insurance.

When Should F1 Visa Applicants Get Health Insurance?

You can receive student health insurance before or after entering the US. Student comparison sites like Insubuy give possibilities. Insurance may begin the day following purchase, depending on the policy.

Why Can’t I Just Use My Travel Insurance?

Due to its short duration and limited coverage, US travel insurance is not equivalent to foreign student insurance necessary for an F1 visa. Travel insurance covers you and your belongings while traveling (e.g., from your home country to the US), whereas student health insurance covers your medical expenses while studying in the US.

How to Get Health Insurance for International Students in USA?

Here are the steps that you need to go through to get a health insurance coverage for students in USA:

  • Check if your school/university/college in the US implements a mandatory group health insurance plan.
  • If they do, you will need to ask them if they are included in the tuition bills, or you need to pay them additionally, and then proceed on with completing the payments.
  • If they have a mandatory group health insurance plan with an optional waiver, check if it fits you. If it does not, ask them to send you a waiver form and complete steps 2, 3 &4.
  • If they do not have any insurance plan, complete steps 2, 3 & 4.
  • Check for companies offering health insurance for international students in the US or brokers such as Insubuy
  • List the benefits you think are necessary for you (including the waiver form), and compare it with the plans the companies you have checked are offering. Do not forget to check if your dependents can be added to the plan if you plan to bring someone to the US with you.
  • Select the most suitable plan for you, and proceed with purchasing it.

Health Insurance Options for Foreign Students in the US

When looking for international student health insurance choices in the United States, you should also check the regulations of the institution where you are enrolled to see if they have any unique requirements. Here are the primary types from which to choose:

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Mandatory Group Plan

Some schools/colleges/universities in the US have their own compulsory plans with predetermined coverage, which foreign students have to purchase.

The main features of plans implemented by schools are as following:

  • They are often automatically added to your tuition bill
  • Usually, they cost more than individual plans
  • They provide more comprehensive coverage, including:
  • Coverage for maternity
  • Pre-existing conditions without a waiting period
  • Mental health
  • Wellness
  • Preventative care

Mandatory Group, with the Option to Waive

Some schools/colleges/universities offer a mandated insurance plan with predetermined coverage for all students, however students can still opt out. This is subject to the student purchasing an adequate plan if he or she chooses to obtain health insurance other than the one provided by the school.

The “waiver form” is used by schools to determine whether the outside plan is appropriate. This is a two-page document that offers a list of the benefits requirements that your health insurance coverage must fulfill or exceed. It takes your signature as well as the insurance company’s.

Optional Plan

There are educational institutions in the United States that do not have mandated plans with pre-determined coverage, thus students are free to choose any plan they choose.

If your school allows you to choose any plan you want, never choose the cheapest option. The one providing the most services, but not the least. Instead, compare various plans to find the best health insurance for F1 visa students in the United States.

International Student Health Insurance Requirements in USA

In particular, schools with a “waiver form” will require you to purchase insurance that fulfills the conditions listed below:

  • Adequate Policy Maximum – Usually, students are asked to purchase a plan with a policy maximum of at least $50,000.
  • Relatively Low Deductible – Schools often require a deductible limit per condition, or per policy period, as part of their waiver requirements, so that students can have out of pockets costs as low as possible. Here you can read more about what Health Insurance Deductible is.
  • Mental Health Coverage – This requirement is included since universities want to make sure their students are not only physically healthy but also mentally.
  • Maternity Coverage – Adequate maternity coverage will be required for female students, with at least an 80%coverage in-network for pre-natal, delivery and post-natal care.
  • Pre-existing Condition Coverage – If you have an existing condition i.e. diabetic, you will have to include it in your insurance plan.
  • Repatriation of Remains Coverage – In the event where you pass away, coverage for repatriation of remains provides financial assistance to your family to return your mortal remains to your home country.
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What Determines the Cost of My F1 Visa Health Insurance?

The cost of your F1 visa insurance depends on several factors, including the city or state you live in, your age, and coverage.

  • Where you live. The prices depend on the state or county in which you live in.
  • Your age. The prices are higher the older a person is.
  • Coverage: The length (how many months you need the plan for) as well as the level of coverage (what you want the policy to include/cover).

Best Health Insurance Plans for International Students in the USA

Here are the best health insurance plans for international students in the USA:

  • ExchangeGuard.
  • Patriot Exchange Program.
  • Student Secure.
  • Student Health Advantage.
  • Study USA.
  • Navigator Student.
  • Patriot America.

Compare F1 Visa Health Insurance Plans Now!

How to Choose the Best Health Insurance Plan for F1 Students?

When deciding what the best health insurance plan is, you have to keep in mind the following factors:

  • The sub-limit of your health insurance – This is the maximum amount that the plan will pay for a certain medical treatment and hospitalization. This is indicated as a percentage or a price cap, and it determines how much of the medical cost is paid for by the healthcare provider and how much you must pay yourself.
  • Where you purchase your health insurance – Foreign students may desire to obtain a health insurance plan from a company in their home country at times. Purchasing your health insurance in the United States, however, is the easiest alternative simply because claims are quicker to process – hospitals may bill your treatment costs straight to your provider.
  • If you have purchased health insurance from a foreign company, you may have to pay the cost of your treatment yourself first, and then request to have the money reimbursed. This may not always happen.
  • The school’s requirements – Look at things such as the coverage, the policy maximum, etc.

Health Insurance Options For International Students After Graduation

If you intend to stay in the United States after graduating, the type of health insurance you need will depend on your residential status.

Change your status to an H-1B Work Visa and get H-1B-compliant health insurance. This implies you’ll start with short-term insurance and move to long-term after six months on an H-1B visa. US employers often provide health insurance. Click here for H1B insurance quotes.

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If you qualify for Optional Practical Training (OPT), you must continue your plan. This is impossible if you have school insurance.

Health Insurance for International Students on OPT

Students enrolled in Optional Practical Training (OPT) are no longer eligible for coverage under their school’s insurance plan. As a result, you will require an OPT health insurance plan, which is the same as ordinary international student insurance. As a result:

  • If you had a Mandatory Group Health Insurance Plan offered by your school, you now have to find a private health insurance company which will offer coverage for students on an OPT.
  • If you had an Optional Health Insurance Plan, then you may be able to continue with the same plan even during your OPT. You must contact your health insurance company for guidance on how to proceed.
  • As a final option, your employer may include you on the company’s group health insurance, which would entail another type of insurance. The details of this type of insurance should be provided by your employer.

How to Get Dental Insurance for International Students in USA?

International student medical insurance may not cover dentistry. You may need to get an additional dental insurance coverage, either as an add-on to your existing plan (which would raise your monthly payment) or as a separate plan.

If taken separately, it functions like traditional health insurance, where you pay a monthly premium and the insurer covers any expenditures.

Dental insurance covers routine checkups, emergencies, fillings, extractions, and cleanings, depending on the plan. For more difficult services like root canals, coverage is usually 50%.

Does International Student Insurance Cover Medications, Eye Checks and Glasses?

Prescription medication is covered by most international student medical insurance. If unsure, see the policy description or insurer. Prescription medication is usually paid for advance and reimbursed by your insurer.

Cold medicine and other over-the-counter medications are accessible at US drugstores at inexpensive prices.

Like dental insurance, a basic plan may not cover eye exams, eyeglasses, or contacts. Paying a little more on your monthly premium may cover it, depending on your insurance company.

Is There Health Insurance Coverage for Dependents?

Some schools cover students’ spouses and children with health insurance. However, these fees will be significantly more than for an individual student.

If your school requires mandatory insurance without a waiver, you must get it regardless of price.

If you can choose your own coverage, an F2 Visa health insurance plan gives you more freedom in covering your dependents.

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