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What Is Networking And Its Importance



Networking frequently entails meeting new people who have similar professions, industries, or interests. But how do you network, and why is it important?

Connecting with the right people at the right moment could be the key to propelling your career forward.

However, if entering into a room full of strangers makes you nervous, you are not alone. Many people try to avoid networking at all costs, but this approach can have a negative impact on their achievement.

Continue reading to understand about networking, why it’s important for your job, and how to network effectively (even if you’re shy).

What is networking?

Networking is a mutually beneficial interaction in which people exchange ideas and information based on their common career, industry, or hobby.

  • Professional networking, which is unrelated to computer networking, is the process of establishing and sustaining contacts with other professionals in your sector or similar subjects. It is a crucial part of professional growth that can help people broaden their knowledge, opportunities, and contacts.
  • Professional networking can take numerous forms, such as attending industry events, engaging in online communities, joining professional associations, and seeking mentorship or coaching. You could network by connecting with specific people you want to meet through email, LinkedIn, or other channels.
  • Informal connections, such as conversing with coworkers during breaks, sharing ideas and resources, and working together on projects, are additional examples of networking.

5 reasons networking is important for career development

Professional networking is more than just meeting new people; it also entails sustaining current relationships. This includes staying in touch with contacts, communicating work updates, and providing support and assistance as needed. This everything contributes to your professional growth and development.

Here are five reasons why networking is important to your career development:

  • Networking contributes to your social well-being
  • Networking leads to the exchange of ideas
  • Networking helps you meet people at all professional levels
  • Networking boosts your professional confidence
  • Networking expands your visibility

1. Networking contributes to your social well-being

Networking can improve your social well-being and help you make lifetime friendships. You might be concentrating on the professional part of networking. However, many friendships have begun in the office or at professional events. Networking is more than simply taking; it is also about giving, making it an ideal setting for friendship. Having additional people in your life can help you make new best friends and boost your overall happiness.

Why is networking important? Aside from the social perks, developing relationships might be the key to achieving significant progress in your profession. Even if you’re not looking for a job right now, networking can lead to fascinating and relevant opportunities, particularly for women.

A personal or LinkedIn acquaintance may contact you about a career that is ideal for you. They may also request your assistance in pursuing a personal passion project. When people know what you’re interested in, they might assist you locate possibilities that you might otherwise overlook. You might even meet your future mentor or business partner through networking.

According to Jobvite, 23% of people send their resumes to friends or previous colleagues. This explains why being connected is so crucial. Building your network not only allows you to discover new chances, but it can also help you land a new job. Referrals are unquestionably valuable.

2. Networking leads to the exchange of ideas

New ideas can help you continue to improve professionally and try new things. Hearing what other people are doing at their companies might also encourage you to incorporate new strategies or skills into your work. Whether you work for a tiny firm or a major multinational, having new ideas will help you stand out and succeed in your current position.

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Discussing your work with new contacts provides a unique viewpoint. It also improves motivation and fosters innovative thinking. Having an industry mentor or link outside of your firm is an invaluable resource.

If you’re stuck on a project, a brainstorming session with someone in your network can help get things moving. For example, if you operate a small firm, sharing your struggles with other owners can help you address problems more quickly. This exchange of information is the foundation of networking.

3. Networking helps you meet people at various professional levels

Accessing higher-level officials can be challenging in some organizations. This is where networking can help you meet more seasoned experts. The ability to access their knowledge and career assistance is critical to your future development.

These connections provide up new options for mentorship and professional advancement. This explains why networking is so crucial. It also enables you to share your abilities. Professional networking with a coworker you appreciate can help you locate a new mentor. It only takes a simple coffee or casual discussion at business and networking events.

Knowing people at diverse professional levels can help introduce you to a broader range of work options. Once you’ve established a relationship with someone, you may be able to use their contacts to get a foot in the door for a new position. This explains why networking is so crucial.

4. Networking can make you more confident

Professional networking requires confidence, particularly for those who are shy or introverted. That’s one of the reasons so many people avoid it. However, after you begin discussing your common interests with a new buddy, you will realize that networking isn’t so bad.

Even if you are an introvert, networking gatherings are an excellent location to hone your confidence skills. Put yourself out there and speak about what is important to you. Developing new partnerships helps you gain confidence in your professional abilities.

It might also boost your confidence when it comes to social networking. Learning to overcome your concerns in order to advance your profession can make meeting new people less scary.

5. Networking expands your visibility

The more you express your thoughts and points of view with your peers and listen to their feedback, the more visible you become in that field. Successful thought leaders are usually outstanding networkers. They understand how to connect with others in their fields, communicate with them, and listen carefully. Putting yourself out there can help you earn recognition as a thought leader.

5 ways to network professionally

  • Attending industry events: This can include conferences, workshops, and other gatherings where professionals in your field come together to share ideas, learn from each other, and make connections.
  • Participating in online communities: Online communities, such as LinkedIn groups or forums, provide a platform for professionals to connect and share information, advice, and resources.
  • Joining professional associations: Professional associations are organizations that represent a specific industry or profession, and they often offer networking opportunities, as well as educational and career development resources.
  • Seeking out mentorship or coaching: Building relationships with more experienced professionals can be a valuable way to learn new skills, gain insights into your industry, and make connections that can lead to new opportunities.
  • Leveraging social media: Social media platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, can be used to build your professional network by sharing your work and engaging with others in your industry.
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How to become great at networking

  • While the foundations of business networking are simple, becoming an effective networker requires practice. After all, networking is about human connections. Developing a new relationship necessitates spending time developing connections. Finding strategies to make you feel at ease while getting to know someone will help you achieve achievement.
  • Some people flourish at huge gatherings, while others prefer to connect via networking apps such as Shapr or LinkedIn. Virtual networking events might relieve some of the strain associated with your first networking experience.
  • Even when people were quarantined at home in 2020, 6.3 million people participated in virtual gatherings on LinkedIn. This demonstrates how great the need to connect can be.
  • But why is networking important? The stronger your network, the more optimistic you will be about your job chances. With 76% of people believing that knowing the right people is essential for success, the link between network and net worth is clear.
  • However, you cannot simply attend a networking event and expect to create a strong professional network. Your network’s support procedures should expand in tandem with it. It’s a good idea to plan ahead of time to maximize your experience.
  • Whether you’re starting from zero or already have some connections, networking abilities may always be improved. Here are some effective techniques to boost your networking skills and prepare for your next event.

1. Consider what you have to offer

  • Effective networking always requires reciprocity. Some people may avoid networking since they don’t know what to contribute.
  • Before attending a networking event, think about what you can offer others and what you are willing to give. You may be eager to introduce folks to others in your network. However, be aware that you may not feel comfortable suggesting someone you have just met for a job.
  • Defining your capabilities and restrictions can help you feel more confident about networking. When you feel more at ease, it is simpler to develop trust with others.

2. Let curiosity lead the way

  • Forget about collecting a large number of business cards. Instead of trying to meet as many people as possible, set a goal of having a few meaningful and engaging talks with a small group of people. Focus on mutual interests and let curiosity drive you.
  • Getting others to talk about what they care about can help you form a greater connection. Ask lots of questions and listen. Be upfront about your passions, goals, and interests.
  • Most crucial, remember to follow up later. When connecting on LinkedIn or reaching out via email, offer something fascinating you learnt from the other person.

3. Set bigger goals

  • If you’re seeking for work, you don’t need to ask everyone if they’re hiring.
  • Networking can feel shady if you’re solely out for personal gain. Instead, set networking goals that are broader than yourself to prevent feeling intimidated or demanding. Remember that the contacts you build now can benefit you two, three, or ten years from now. Keep in mind that practically every new relationship you build will be valuable now or in the future.
  • Your higher objective could be to learn, contribute to your industry, or do something altogether different. In either case, having a larger purpose can shift the spotlight away from you. Keep that higher aim in mind to retain your confidence and motivation.

4. Find common ground.

  • Remember that everyone at a business networking event is a real person.
  • Treating everyone as if they had a professional title might make conversations unpleasant. While it may appear that person is far away from you, you may find that you have more in common than you realized.
  • Prepare broad questions regarding people’s interests outside of work. Connecting over pastimes can help you form deeper bonds.
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5. Choose who you want to develop a relationship with

Networking is all about building relationships, yet most relationships do not get close after just one meeting. Choosing who to follow up with will help you develop closer relationships.

However, do not only choose the ones with the finest titles. Remember who you have common interests with and invite them for a coffee or video chat to strengthen the bond.

6. Offer opportunities to your network

When you come across a job posting or an article that someone you know might be interested in, share it. Be proactive in sharing information and possibilities with your network, even before they inquire. They might even start to reciprocate.

According to Jobvite, 66% of satisfied employees are eager to refer others in their network to work for their employer. If that describes you, then sharing opportunities inside your firm can ensure that you work with people you already know and enjoy.

7. Network everywhere

Find new places where you can meet people with intention. Attending gatherings and starting up conversations with confidence will help you expand your network wherever you go.

You can discover a networking opportunity anywhere, including a coffee shop, an elevator, or a grocery store line. Regardless of where you are, strive to learn something new and be open to meeting new people.

8. Work on your body language

Body language has a big impact on how we communicate and network. Shifting your body language to be more open and friendly might help you become an expert networker.

For example, instead of crossing your arms, keep your body open with your arms at your sides. This unspoken communication promotes trust and demonstrates that you are open to connecting.

How to network if you’re shy

The goal of networking is to develop new relationships and strengthen current ones. These can occur through friendships, industry contacts, or even business partners. You can swiftly advance your career by forming new ties. When you look at it that way, it’s evident why networking is such a crucial tool for everyone, including introverts.

Here are a few ways to network if you’re shy:

  • Start small: sometimes, just showing up to a networking event can be an accomplishment. Challenge yourself to attend the event and grab a drink, even if you don’t talk to anyone at first. Chances are, someone will approach you, and you’ll find yourself networking in no time!
  • Bring a friend: a friend who understands your shyness can be the bridge you need to make your first new professional connection. Your friend can help start the conversation and give you the confidence to venture out on your own next time.
  • Focus on shared interests: try finding a smaller networking event that allows you to focus on a specific interest you love talking about. You will likely find it easier to talk to new friends about something you’re truly passionate about.
    Once you start, you’ll quickly see why networking is so important. You might even find it’s fun, too!

Become an expert networker

Historically, networking may have appeared to be a necessary evil. With these technologies, you can now build meaningful and powerful interactions wherever you go. Practicing your networking abilities will help you gain confidence and meet new, fascinating individuals.

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