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Outstanding Personal Statement Examples



A personal statement, also known as a professional statement or resume summary, is one of the most crucial documents you will create while applying to colleges or jobs. An excellent personal statement can improve your chances of admission or receiving a job offer. It allows you to demonstrate to a potential employer or school that your abilities, experience, and prior education have prepared you to flourish in their program.

What is a personal statement?

A personal statement is a written explanation of who you are, what you are interested in, and what your life goals are. In business, a personal statement is a concise paragraph that outlines your professional achievements. In academics, a personal statement is often longer, but it is still a brief essay that presents you to the selection committee.

Employers and institutions utilize personal statements to learn about candidates’ academic credentials, hobbies, motivations, and other relevant information. Professional statements, when written appropriately, can be the deciding factor in a job or school program.

When applying for scholarships and graduate programs, the major prerequisites are your personal statement, GPA, and letters of recommendation. The quality of your personal statement is typically more important than the other two requirements, making it critical to get it properly. It takes time and work to write a thoughtful and well-written personal statement that is targeted to the school or employer. Remember that no two personal statements are the same since they reflect your unique experiences and ambitions.

Personal statement examples

1. Personal statement example for graduate school

A personal statement for graduate school differs significantly from one for advancing your professional career. It is usually an essay, not a small paragraph. The following is an example of a personal statement made for graduate school admission:

Jean Smith
Personal statement for master’s program in educational policy and analysis
Columbia College of Education

I held my first college textbook when I was a 23-year-old college freshman. I know that’s not the traditional age for freshmen, but I wasn’t a traditional college student. Instead of living in a dorm room at 18, I was living at my grandmother’s house with my newborn daughter. No one in my family had gone to college; it’s not that we didn’t think it was important, but we could hardly afford our electricity bills.

Because of her personal experiences being a single mother and without a college education, my grandmother knew the despair of sinking so deep in debt that it felt impossible to make it out on her own.

In our crumbling neighborhood and our own family, she had seen many generations of people become stuck with insufficient education, and she knew she might be the only chance out for my daughter and I. So when my daughter was old enough to go to elementary school, my grandmother encouraged me to go back to school too. She sold her car to help me pay for community college tuition and textbooks.

Using those textbooks, I studied hard, received top marks on my exams and earned a scholarship to complete my undergraduate degree at Indiana College, where I graduated with honors. I then returned my focus to our crumbling neighborhood schools, getting a teaching job at my daughter’s middle school and later an administrator role. I fundraised for better textbooks and applied for numerous community grants to lift our school to higher academic standards than when I was a student there.

My daughter is one of the many students in our district who need a properly funded education to lift her out of poverty—just as it did for me, giving me a new foothold in society. While teaching has been personally satisfying, I want to affect educational policy at a national level to assist entire communities of learners. That is why I am looking to pursue a master’s degree in educational policy at the Columbia College of Education.

I believe that information is the key to change, and the best way to affect change is by organizing and presenting information in such a way that it can make a difference. I look forward to classes such as Racial Perspectives on Early Childhood Policy, to which I can speak from personal experience as both a teacher and a mother to understand how to affect change on a local level.

I am determined to do my part in removing the roadblock of poverty from student life. In graduate school and beyond, I look forward to using hard data to make radical, positive changes in the educational system and to learn from and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.”

2. Technical writer personal statement

“I am a senior technical writer with 10 years of experience writing software documentation, templates and user manuals to explain highly complex systems and processes. I am passionate about making my documentation both clear and efficient so users can understand these complex processes. I adapt well to the changing needs of businesses and enjoy researching new document management systems to streamline the revision process.”

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3. Design assistant personal statement

“Recent graduate from Missouri College with a bachelor of arts in fashion design looking to apply skills and passion for design in an entry-level assistant role. Spent the last five years designing and creating dresses to sell at the monthly St. Louis Arts Fair. Quick learner who thrives on challenges.”

4. Data scientist personal statement

“While focusing on statistics and analytics at my university, I worked in the financial sector through an internship at a major multinational firm. My education and tactical experience helped me develop technical capabilities in data engineering and science.

I have consistently proven my ability to meet deadlines and achieve project objectives, solve mission-critical problems and prioritize crucial tasks while maintaining the high standards expected of my role. I am currently seeking a position in an established data science firm to further my career goals.”

5. Marketing specialist personal statement

“Senior digital marketing specialist with extensive experience in e-commerce. Have experience working with several multinational brands in the development of global marketing strategies, improving market reach and coverage. Currently seeking a senior marketer position in an international company.”

6. Project manager personal statement

As a seasoned project manager who excels in identifying problems and finding solutions, I can save your company a considerable amount by speeding up project execution. My track record tells my story better than I can: I saved my previous employer over $250,000 in the past three years by completing projects an average of 15% faster than my peers.”

7. Hospice caregiver personal statement

“Patient and detail-oriented caregiver with strong communication and organizational skills seeking a position to provide personalized care to patients in order to improve their overall comfort, health, and well-being. More than a decade of experience caring for individuals in the latter stages of their illness.

8. Sales representative personal statement

“A results-driven sales professional with a decade of expertise in B2B sales. Proven track record of closing multimillion-dollar sales in the art and design industry, as well as a reputation for upholding the highest levels of personal and team excellence.

9. Talent recruiter personal statement

“I am a talent acquisition specialist who is interested in creating the most effective workforces possible. For over 20 years, I’ve assisted hundreds of firms in finding their ideal employees. I also advise businesses on compensation, benefits, new hiring processes, and corporate culture.

10. Career counselor personal statement

“Through my coaching programs, I have helped thousands of job seekers land their ideal jobs at Fortune 500 organizations. From resumes to cover letters and improving their web presence, I enjoy teaching people the science of creating materials for every stage of their careers.”

11. Business analyst personal statement

“Experienced business analyst with expertise in project and team management, accounting, and process engineering.” I am continually looking for innovative methods to reduce risk, improve organizational efficiency, and forge new partnerships.”

12. Trial lawyer personal statement

“Growing up in a working-class neighborhood of St. Louis, I developed a thick skin and a methodical approach to problem solving by determining people’s interests and reasons. This inspired me to pursue a legal education in order to combat bullying and injustice. As a trial lawyer for Morgan, Brooks, and Blake over the last decade, I’ve established a dispute resolution approach that has won more than 90% of the time.

13. Teacher personal statement

“Elementary school teacher with over 5 years of experience managing classrooms of 20-30 students.” Capable of applying positive reinforcement teaching approaches to promote student conduct and growth. I want to use my creativity and experience to engage at-risk students.

14. Social media specialist personal statement

“Social media and branding expert with a track record of driving interaction across multiple channels. “Experienced in public speaking and eager to teach executives how to improve their digital marketing efforts.”

15. Graphic designer personal statement

“I am an award-winning freelance graphic designer that has created innovative and engaging solutions for brand identification, print, packaging, and digital media. My work has appeared in several publications, including Folio, Arizona Byways, and Beach Magazine.

16. Neurosurgeon personal statement

“Compassionate medical practitioner specializing in neurosurgery who thrives in high-pressure work conditions. Proven competence to detect and investigate patient symptoms before making key therapeutic decisions. Committed to researching and developing in the area to increase the standards of neurosurgical practices around the world through technology improvements.”

What makes a good personal statement?

A powerful personal statement can take different forms, but it must have the following attributes:
A distinct message

A distinct message

A strong personal statement tells your story and positions you as the ideal candidate for the school or employment. To explain your message clearly, consider the major elements of your essay and then improve them to the best of your ability.

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Determine the most critical points to address, such as academic and professional achievement. Highlight your accomplishments, such as being on the dean’s list or managing a collaborative project. Discuss your wealth of experience and other pertinent issues.

Your essay should stress your positive traits, even if it means explaining some of your faults. You can convert losses into accomplishments by discussing how you overcame them. Show your strength and perseverance.

Specific illustrations

Great personal statements. Use concrete instances to strengthen their tales. Provide instances that reflect a real interest in the program or employment, such as discussing industry innovators, the field’s trajectory, and how you intend to contribute to the body of knowledge.

For example, if you wish to study a specific bug, you might say that you enjoy insects but also describe why. You can describe an experience that introduced you to the characteristics of insects that allow some of them to live even in the harshest settings. Describe the specific bug you are interested in, and how your desire to understand its significance in the environment drove you to pursue a doctorate degree in entomology.

Your suitability

Your personal statement should describe why you are qualified for the position or program and why it is the next step in your professional or academic development. Use this occasion to highlight certain features that fascinate you and how they will help you become a better person in your career.

You can also cite the works of specific faculty members who encouraged you to apply to the program. This demonstrates your expertise, comprehension, and enthusiasm for the area.

Impeccable writing

Your personal statement, like any formal essay or letter, should be well-written. Double- and triple-checking your work will help you avoid language and spelling issues, as well as clichés. If you’re hesitant, write many drafts and ask someone you trust to read them and provide constructive feedback.

Your comment should be in a professional tone. Avoid casual expressions and phrases, but ensure they are conversational. Start working on your essay early so you have time to edit, proofread, and submit it by the deadline.

Tips for writing a great personal statement

The personal statement is an important part of university and job applications. It provides an opportunity to persuade the admissions committee or the hiring committee that you are a suitable fit for their team. Grad school programs frequently have word limits for personal statements, so make every word matter. The following tips can help you write an amazing essay:

  • Ignore the word count in drafts
  • Make it personal
  • Write it early
  • Focus on your strengths
  • Make your introduction captivating
  • Own it
  • Be humble
  • Be honest

Ignore the word count in drafts

Regardless of the intended word count for your personal statement, write your drafts without regard for the constraint. When you first start writing your essay, it can be challenging to stick to a specific number. Instead, write as many words as necessary to tell your story, then pare it down to the most critical information in later changes. This not only simplifies your job, but also improves the coherence and messaging of your personal statement.

Make it personal

Your personal statement allows you to highlight qualifying characteristics that are not visible in your application or CV. You can discuss how someone influenced your life, but keep the focus on your own experiences. Use real-life examples of scenarios to demonstrate the program’s desired attributes.

Example: “In my final year at college, I lost my part-time job and scholarship and had no one to support me financially. Despite the huge toll these events took on my mental and financial status, I was able to maintain my 3.98 GPA. Now, I work for the top-performing company in the fintech sector. I mention this to demonstrate my preparedness to persevere in the face of adversity to achieve my dreams.”

Write it early

You may have plenty of time to write your statement, but it is advisable to begin working on it immediately. The most effective personal statements need time, research, brainstorming, reflection, and significant editing. It may take you a month or two to finish a version that properly communicates your message to the reader.

You may need to take a break from writing the essay to obtain a fresh perspective or add a better angle. If you finish a draft, leave it overnight and analyze it in the morning. Share the draft with others to gain additional perspectives.

Focus on your strengths

A great personal statement is a sales pitch that highlights the attributes that qualify you as a worthy candidate. Concentrate on your knowledge of the field, your experiences and your projections for the future.

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Example: “My undergraduate studies prepared me well for my profession. Understanding the role of truckers and fleet companies gave me a unique insight into the workings of the logistics industry and how to improve the conditions of drivers, my organization’s bottom-line and customer satisfaction. Working in this industry opened my eyes to the impact of overregulation in the transport sector. I believe there is an urgent need for regulators to come up with creative reforms to transport laws, improve driver welfare and create more awareness on the challenges of trucking.”

Make your introduction captivating

Your introduction is one of the most important elements of your personal statement, so make it powerful. You can start with an interesting or unusual experience that ignited your interest in the field. An emotional opening that focuses on a personal story can also give a good impression and encourage the committee members to continue reading your story.

Example: “In 2004, my family woke up to find our dog was giving birth. She delivered five puppies, but acted like more puppies were coming. We waited for a little while, but nothing changed. We took her to the vet’s office where they were able to deliver the last puppy via cesarean section. The veterinarian saved not only her life but her puppy’s, and I vowed that day to become a veterinary doctor so I could pay it forward. My love for animals has increased significantly since then, and I believe a degree in your foremost V.M.D. program will let me do what I love doing most: caring for animals.”

Own it

Personal statements are one-of-a-kind documents that describe your experiences and qualifications as the ideal applicant. Write an engaging essay that not only demonstrates your personality to the institution or hiring committee, but also inspires them to advance you to the next level of the admissions or employment process.

Be humble

It is acceptable to highlight your positive characteristics, but the majority of your triumphs and accomplishments will be listed on your resume and application. Instead, focus on your program passion, core values, and personal experiences.

Be honest

While a personal statement emphasizes your skills, it also allows you to be open. You can mention flaws in your application and take the opportunity to highlight characteristics that allowed you to flourish despite obstacles. Use your flaws to demonstrate your commitment to greatness even when things do not go as planned.

Personal statement template for graduate school

Most personal statements should include particular paragraphs explaining why you are interested in the program, what qualities you possess that are relevant to the program, and any related interests. Remember that a personal statement is about you, not anyone else.

Consider using this personal statement template when drafting your own for graduate school admission:

[Your Name]
Personal statement for [X] program
[The name of the school]

[Introduction: Your introduction should state your interest in the program and the university. Explain the experiences that made you interested in the field.]

[Section one: Education. Explain any education that helped you prepare for the program. Include specific courses and subjects and how they apply.]

[Section two: Additional research. Explain any additional research you conducted outside of school. Include any volunteer experiences or seminars you attended to learn more about your interests.]

[Section three: Work experience. Explain your work experience and what skills and knowledge you gained.]

[Section four: Hobbies. Include this section only if your hobbies apply to the program. Try to make it as relevant as possible.]

[Conclusion. Reiterate your interest in the program and the skills and experience that qualify you. This is also the time to include post-study aspirations if you have a specific career path in mind.]


  • Can I include humor in my personal statement?

While humor can help you show your unique personality and qualities, use it carefully. Try to find humor that’s appropriate and doesn’t overshadow the main purpose of your statement. Consider whether it matches the tone and expectations of the institution or program to which you’re applying.

  • Can I mention controversial or polarizing topics in my statement?

Most people avoid highly controversial or polarizing topics in their personal statements. While it’s essential to express your opinions and perspectives, remember that the goal is to create a positive impression and show your overall qualifications. Controversial topics can be divisive and may detract from your core message.

  • Can I use unconventional formatting or structure?

Those who read personal statements often prefer an organized structure that effectively presents your ideas, rather than an unconventional stylistic format. If you have a compelling reason to use an unconventional format, make sure it improves the overall readability and coherence of your statement.

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