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How To Manage And Control Your Emotions



According to scientists, humans can experience 27 emotions. From happiness to fury, we’ve all experienced them, sometimes too intensely. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed out from time to time.

However, you must be able to regulate your emotions in order to avoid an outburst. This will assist you avoid saying or doing something you will later regret. So, how do you regulate your emotions? Don’t worry, we’ve compiled a list of simple everyday tactics to help you control your emotions effectively!

Strategies for Controlling Your Emotions 

Everyone experiences strong emotions, but in order to avoid giving them the upper hand, you must learn how to control them. Positive emotional management is also an art. The following are some simple solutions you might attempt the next time you feel overwhelmed.

  • Identify and Recognize Your Own Emotions 

The first step in changing or managing your emotions is to recognize what you are feeling. You cannot regulate your emotions unless you identify them. So, the next time you experience overwhelming emotions, ask yourself what you are feeling specifically. Are you anxious? Nervous? Angry? Or is it sad?

Remember that anger and sadness can hide other feelings such as anxiousness, envy, and so on. Pay close attention to how you feel and try to figure out why. Keep in mind that you may be experiencing numerous emotions at once, so keep track of them all. This will help you determine the most frequent and intense feeling. You can keep a mood notebook to record everything.

  • Breathing Exercises to Calm Down 

Breathing has a significant impact on your body. It will not remove your emotions, but it will help you feel more grounded. If you’re concerned about having strong reactions or outbursts, breathing exercises are worth trying! Simply follow the following steps:

  • Breathe in slowly: Breath in for 3 seconds
  • Hold: Hold that breathe for another 3 seconds
  • Exhale: Finally, exhale slowly for 3 seconds
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The 3×3 breathing technique promotes relaxation, improves perception, and increases awareness of one’s environment. It comes in helpful when you need to manage your emotions in the workplace or other public locations.

  • Mindfulness Practices to Become More Self-Aware 

Mindfulness techniques will increase your self-awareness and help you manage your emotions. Depending on your schedule and availability, you can pursue a variety of activities.

  • Journaling: Writing for just 15 minutes every day can have a significant impact on your mental health and peace. It records all of your thoughts and emotions on paper so you can view and reflect on them. It functions as a tracker, allowing you to monitor your progress.
  • Yoga and Meditation: Yoga and meditation can be relaxing and tranquil for many people. The majority of strong emotions stem from fear about the future or a past event. While meditating and practicing yoga, try not to think about anything and be present.
  • Reflecting and Me-time: Take time every day to reflect on your actions and emotions. Take note of any changes or strong feelings you experienced, as well as the causes behind them. Keep some time for yourself, at least once a week. Do what you enjoy and have fun with, rather than focusing on other chores.

Cognitive Techniques to Reframe Negative Thoughts 

“Reframing” is a cognitive approach for recognizing automatic negative thoughts and replacing them with more balanced ones. It aims to replace the quick reaction of blame and aggressive or demeaning emotions with more balanced ones.

  • Start by noticing whenever you have any distortions. For example, if you’re going for an interview and your thoughts turn towards failure, which then spirals into failing in life. This is a distortion and should not be paid any heed
  • Evaluate the evidence for your feeling this way. If there is not enough reason behind your thoughts and emotions, tell yourself that. Reiterate it multiple times. Don’t back out of anything just because of negative feelings, face the challenge and get past it.
  • Start practicing self-compassion. Every time you have harsh thoughts and emotions, tell yourself something you like about yourself. Think of something good you did or something someone praised you for. Give yourself time and be kind to yourself. It’s okay to catch a break during such times.
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Physical Exercise and the Benefits of Emotional Regulation

Physical exercise, such as yoga, a daily workout routine, cycling, or running, can help you balance your emotions and health. Being fit can have a significant impact on your mental clarity and stability. Exercise also promotes correct habit and dedication. It improves time management, sleep quality, and reduces stress levels. All of these advantages have an indirect effect on your emotions and can help you manage them.

Coping with Intense Emotions

  •  Strategies for Coping with Strong Emotions at the Moment 

Deep breathing is the quickest technique to gain control of your emotions. Stand back and consider the situation. It helps you cleanse your mind and examine your surroundings. You will be able to handle the situation more effectively after you have control of your emotions.

  • Creating a Self-Care Plan to Prevent Emotional Overload 

Have some “me time” every week. Reserve a few hours for self-care. It could be anything from sleeping to baking to reading. It simply has to be quiet and tranquil. These breaks allow the mind to relax and see the problem from a different perspective. It minimizes emotional overload and creates a safe environment.

  • Seeking Professional Help When Needed 
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Feeling overwhelmed or experiencing high emotions on a regular basis may indicate an underlying mental or physical condition. Consult a specialist if you do not see any progress after using these approaches on a daily basis. They can help you better understand and manage yourself.


You don’t have to turn off your emotions; only learn to control them. There are numerous tried-and-true effective solutions for this. Find what works for you and stay with it. You can even try a variety of tactics or alternate between them over time. Now that you’ve learned about the various strategies to manage your emotions, give them a try!


What do emotional control techniques entail? 

Emotional management strategies can range from simple breathing exercises to cognitive techniques that help eliminate negative thinking. Depending on the individual, many tactics, or a combination of them, can assist alleviate emotional overload.

How can I better control my emotions? 

There are numerous strategies for controlling your emotions. Breathing exercises, writing, mood tracking, and contemplation are some of the methods.

Is it difficult to control your emotions?

Everyone experiences overwhelming and intense emotions, but it is possible to learn to manage and regulate them. There are several ways you can begin learning how to control your emotions.

How to not get too emotional? 

It is not about suppressing your feelings, but about controlling them. Exercising, journaling, charting, and pondering are all strategies to teach yourself to manage your emotions or let them rule you.

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