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Career Tips

8 Ways To Make A Great First Impression In An Interview



Impression counts. First impressions matter. Human nature. Job interviews are peculiar with first impressions.

The initial few seconds can shape the interview. Start the interview by being your best self.

To help you make the most of the first five seconds of a job interview and make a good impression, we’ve compiled a list of 8 (eight) tips:

1. Arrive on time

This is a no-brainer. This can not be over emphasized. Always arrive early for job interviews. Arrive a few minutes early if feasible. It is critical to respect the time of others.

And if you are even a few minutes late, you are already damaging your chances of getting called back for another interview or job offer. People will interpret this as a foreshadowing of things to come.

2. Dress Appropriate/like a professional

Looks matter. Dress appropriately. Dress professionally. Let your dress fit the part, keep in my that whatever part you are interviewing for would/may require different apparel.

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To make a good impression, learn about the company culture so you can follow the dress code and satisfy expectations.

Even in a video interview, dress for the job. Video meetings follow the same dress code.

3. Take a deep breath beforehand and stay calm

A job interview can be nerve-wracking. It’s common for people to have jitters and feel anxious beforehand. Take a deep breath and collect yourself beforehand. This will help you re-focus and start your interview on the right foot. And then, answer the question directly and effectively.

4. Greet your interviewer

This is another obvious tip. But it’s worth repeating. Always greet your interviewer right away. Smile and use a friendly and welcoming tone. This can help you establish rapport and get things started positively.

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5. Be prepared for anything

It is tough to know how an interview will start, so be ready for anything. Be ready for it to start with small talk and the common interview questions. The interviewer can also jump right with a hard line of questioning. Be prepared for all types of conversation (don’t forget to bring copies of your resume and visit the company website to familiarize yourself with their mission).

6. Sit up straight and be aware of your body language

Your posture affects how others see you. Keep proper posture. Beware of Face and body language. Maintain eye contact and engage with the hiring manager.

Interviewers will judge you by these nonverbal indications. Slouchers appear less involved and awkward, whereas individuals with strong posture appear assured.

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7. Show enthusiasm and happiness to be at the interview

Positivity spreads like wildfire. People with good energy are more attractive and more willing to engage with others on a deeper level. Show your enthusiasm for the opportunity and express gratitude for the job interview opportunity.

8. Be yourself!

One of the most important things to remember is to always be true to yourself. Don’t strive to be someone or something you’re not. Throughout the interview, remain true to yourself.

Being on time, dressed professionally, keeping your head high, and genuinely welcoming the interviewer will help you make the most of the first 5 seconds of your interview. It will also set the tone for the future.

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