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Apply For The British International Fellowships For a Chance to Work For 3 Years in the UK



The British International Fellowships Programme gives researchers the chance to work for three years at a UK institution. The goal is to create a research and innovation workforce that is mobile and connected around the world.

The International Fellowships Programme helps promising young researchers build an independent research career by giving them opportunities to work abroad.

The Goal: The International Fellowships Programme aims to attract and retain emerging talent in the UK while also creating a globally connected, mobile workforce in research and innovation. The goals are as follows: 

  • Attract talented international early career researchers to establish and conduct their research in the UK. 
  • Assist international early career researchers in pursuing high-quality and innovative lines of research. 
  • Provide opportunities for international early career researchers to acquire and transfer new skills and knowledge through training and career development.  
  • Long-term relationships can be fostered through networking opportunities and the International Fellowships alumni program.  
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Eligibility Requirements: The applicant must meet the following requirements-

  • Have a PhD or be in the final stages of their PhD provided that the PhD will be completed before the start date of the Fellowship. Confirmation of the award of the PhD will be required before any Fellowship award is confirmed. 
  • Have not more than seven years of active full-time postdoctoral experience at the time of application (discounting career breaks but including teaching experience and/or time spent in industry). 
  • Be working outside the UK.
  • Not hold UK citizenship.
  • Be fluent in oral and written English 
  • Have a clearly defined and mutually-beneficial research proposal.
  • Applicants should ensure that they meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the scheme notes
  • Find out more eligibility requirements here.

Duration of Award: Applicants can ask for up to £12,000 for research costs and up to £8,000 for moving costs. In their application, they will have to explain why they need so much money for research and moving.

Applicants will also be able to get funding after their Fellowship is over to help them keep in touch with other researchers in the UK or around the world.

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Subjects covered: The International Fellowships are delivered by the following UK National Academies, and each applicant is to apply to their relevant Academy for support and in line with the following remits: 

  •  British Academy – social sciences and humanities
  • Royal Society- natural sciences, including biological research, biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics.

For a full list, please see the below: 

  •  Classical Antiquity
  •  Theology and Religious Studies
  •  Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
  •  Linguistics and Philology
  •  Early Modern Languages and Literature to 1830
  •  Modern Languages, Literature and Other Media from 1830
  •  Archaeology
  •  Medieval Studies
  •  Early Modern History to 1850
  •  Modern History from 1850
  •  History of Art and Music
  •  Philosophy
  •  Law
  •  Economics and Economic History
  •  Anthropology and Geography
  •  Sociology, Demography and Social Statistics
  •  Political Studies: Political Theory, Government, and International Relations
  •  Psychology
  •  Culture, Media, and Performance
  •  Education
  •  Management and Business Studies
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Duration and start of the fellowship: The British Academy International Fellowship is expected to commence between October 2023 and March 2024.  

Each Award is likely to last for three years. Under this program, the applicant and their dependents can get help with the cost of the visa and any other costs related to it, such as the Immigration Health Surcharge.

Award-holders will be able to apply via an accelerated route for a Global Talent Visa. For further information, check here.

Apply here.

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