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12 Phrases And Words To Not Say In A Job Interview



The words and phrases you use during a job interview can and will influence the outcome. Certain words can alter the tone and intensity of an interview. When used excessively, these same terms can impair your chances of receiving the job.

What you say in an interview is used to evaluate you. So, to assist you, we’ve developed a list of words and phrases you should avoid speaking throughout the job interview process.

1. Anything negative about your former company, boss, or colleagues

During your interview, never say anything insulting about other people or businesses. Choose the high road. When you speak negatively about others, the interviewer may have a poor opinion of you.

2. ‘I don’t know’

Reframe a question even if you don’t know the answer. ‘That’s a fantastic question, but I don’t have the answer right now; I’ll have to get back to you with that,’ for example. Can I reach out to you after the interview?’

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Rephrasing the question will give you a moment to gather your ideas. If your mind goes blank or you can’t think of an answer straight immediately, this is an excellent tactic.

3. ‘Stuff’

This is a broad term that does not accurately represent what you did. Make a list of your responsibilities. Instead of ‘I was in charge of social media stuff,’ say ‘I was in charge of writing copy for social media advertising, scheduling them, and completing post-mortem reporting.’

4. ‘Sure’

This is a halfway word, that isn’t quite a ‘yes’. Either say yes, or don’t.

5. ‘It’s on my resume’

Even if that’s the case, this is an opportunity for you to explain the context and provide additional information than what’s on your CV. Expect interviewers to go deeper and ask for more details about items on your resume and cover letter.

6. Curse/Swear words

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This is just unnecessary in a professional environment. Swearing could give the interview a negative impression of you. You never know how people will react to swear words, especially in the work environment.

7. ‘Hate’

Hate is a strong word choice. There’s nothing you should hate enough for it to come up in an interview. Focus on the positive.

8 ‘Fired’

Even if you were fired from your job, this word carries a negative meaning. Reframe your reason for leaving your former position and keep it brief.

9. ‘Can’t’

Don’t leave the impression you aren’t able to do something. Even if you’re not sure, frame it as something you’re open to learning.

10. ‘My biggest weakness is that I’m a perfectionist’

Don’t say this or any other cliched response that interviewers have heard a thousand times. Be as honest as possible, and tailor your responses to your experiences and the position you’re applying for.

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11. ‘I don’t have any questions’

Most interviewers will ask whether you have any follow-up questions at the end of the interview. You should always take advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to the role. Prepare two or three solid questions to ask at the end of the interview. Having no questions can come across as disinterested, so prepare a series of questions about the role, company, and culture to avoid this. Have a few options in case your question is answered during the interview. Make sure your inquiries are insightful and relevant to the role.

12. ‘What does your company do?’

You should have done some research before the interview. Avoid asking questions about the company that you should know the answers to.

REMEMBER: Avoid using the words and phrases listed above in your next job interview. It can be difficult, but it will immensely help your chances.

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